Mission and Vision
Mondial Diagnostics aims to contribute to the international efforts to structurally improve healthcare for poverty-related diseases, especially in low- and middle income countries, through
The development of new, simple, affordable and reliable rapid diagnostic tests, and the facilitation of local production and distribution of these tests where poverty-related diseases are highly prevalent, via:
- transferring tests and the accompanying manufacturing protocols to local partners;
- assisting with the quality management of locally manufactured tests; and
- providing support in the implementation of the tests in the local and/or regional healthcare systems.
The manufacturing and sale of high-quality antigens for use in diagnostic tests.
Advising third parties on all aspects of the development, validation, manufacturing. and implementation of rapid diagnostics in the healthcare system.
Contributing to the awareness among governments, health care facilities, and physicians of the advantages of reliable -and the costs of inadequate- diagnosis of poverty-related diseases.